Tuesday, June 3, 2008

A Tribute to Mother

Hello Ladies!

I am so excited about our book, "A Tribute to Mother." Submissions are coming in rapidly and our deadline is fast approaching. Sunday, June 8, 2008 will be your last opportunity to submit a tribute to your mothers. Those of you who have submitted but have not paid need to do so by then as well. So far we have received some wonderful tributes and I've had the rare opportunity to learn about some awesome mothers and mother figures. As the submissions continue to come in I am looking forward to reading more. Below are a few things to remember before submitting.
1. All submissions must be your original work.
2. You do not have to be a member of the Women's Ministry or Bethel to submit.
3. The cost per submission is $20 and an additional $5 if you include a picture.
4. The deadline for submissions is Sunday, June 8, 2008.

On Saturday, August 23, 2008, we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for lunch to celebrate the release of our book. We are inviting everyone to be a part of this wonderful event. Check back on the blog for more information as we are still in the planning stages. In the next several weeks we will be taking pre-orders for the book for those of you who may have family members wanting a copy. The book will make great Christmas, and birthday presents so keep that in mind!

I'm also asking that as we prepare to go to our retreat on June 13th, that we will be in continuous prayer for God to move mightily in the lives of the women who will attend and the ladies who will remain here holding down the fort. I'm asking for strongholds to be destroyed and that we will be encouraged to release those things in our lives that bind us and prevent us from receiving all that God has for us.

Be Blessed,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to tell the world about my Mama, Eula Johnson. She demonstrates daily that she loves me unconditionally.I am so Blessed!
