Wednesday, July 23, 2008

God Is Great and Greatly to be Praised!

Hello Awesome and Wonderful Women of Bethel!
To say we've had a busy summer would be an understatement. With our annual retreat behind us and our recent celebration of Women's Day, it's now time to take a breather and bask in the many reminders of God's greatness. Each day He nudges us awake and with that gentle nudge reminds us that He loves us. There are so many things to be thankful for, far more than we could ever be worthy of but in His greatness we are the beneficaries of the abundant love of God.
So, as we go through our day, let us stop periodically just to say, "Thank You, God." For He has been faithful to us in all things.
Our newsletter for July will roll out on Thursday, just in time for our Saturday, July 26th meeting. My apologies for not publishing a newsletter for the month of June but time would not permit. In our July issue we will discuss our retreat, women's day, and spotlight another of our talented Bethel youth, Miss Alexus Ramsey. If you are not getting your newsletter in the mail please call us so that we can add you to our mailing list. A new section has been added which highlights businesses owned by our Bethel sisters, so if you have a business and would like your business card or logo to appear in our newsletter, let me know.
Finally, we'd like to send our condolences to the families of Mrs. Arlene McGown, Audrey Taborn and Ruthella Roberts. These mothers of the church served Bethel and the Lord with all their hearts, minds and bodies. They will be missed!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We Solicit Your Prayers

Good Afternoon Wonderful and Mighty Women of God!
As we prepare for General Conference, I'd like to ask for the prayers of all of you for the women and men who have journeyed or will be leaving for St. Louis, Missouri. This can be a time of uncertainty and stress for Pastors and Lay persons who will take part in any way in this conference. I am asking for a special prayer for our own Pastor and especially Rev. D as she has been assigned the task of preparing and staffing our prayer room. Also, she has coordinated a city-wide, non-denominational prayer walk. This is also the time when new bishops and connectional officers are elected.
As our Women's Day approaches I would like to remind everyone of the upcoming Phenominal Woman Luncheon and Silent Auction scheduled for Saturday July 19th, visit the Women's Day website at for more information.
If you like gospel music I invite you to tune in to a new gospel internet station, Preacherman (Rev. Larry Thompson) is your host and has the largest selection of music known to man (or woman). Preacherman is the premiere gospel DJ and is also the host of the Fishhook, San Diego's monthly Christian nightspot (visit for more information).
Well that's it for now, Friday, July 4th I will be on my way to St. Louis for GenCon and I ask that you keep me in prayer for traveling mercies. God Bless until next time...