Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Welcome to the Bethel A.M.E. Church Women's Ministry Blog! I am so excited about what God is doing with our ministry. We are growing in so many ways. Old members are returning and new members are joining. If you are a member of Bethel and have not yet decided to join us, I invite you to come out every 3rd Saturday from 9-11am and check us out. I'm a new member this conference year and I am so happy to be a part of such a wonderful group of Godly women. We are currently in the midst of planning our Annual Retreat and our retreat Chairperson, Jo Ann Vance is doing a wonderful job working hard to put together a weekend that is spriritually and physically renewing. The retreat is scheduled for June 13-15, 2008 at Vina de Lestonnac Retreat Center in Temecula, CA. We are quickly approaching our goal of 60 women that will join with us as we experience God in the wine country of Temecula. Next, I am chairing a fundraising project that gives us a chance to pay tribute to our mothers. We will be publishing a book entitled, "A Tribute to Mother." For $20 ($25 if a picture is included) anyone can place a poem, short story, testimony or remembrance in honor of their mother or the person who played the mother in their life. Deadline for submissions is June 8, 2008. In August we will celebrate the release of this book with a luncheon.

I'm inviting everyone to join us and gift yourself with the blessing of fellowship with other women of God. You won't regret it and the feeling of renewal, revival, hope and love that you receive each month at our meetings is priceless. We need you and pray that you will activate your membership with your presence! May God bless and keep you is our prayer.